Thursday, September 6, 2007- Evening

It's now time for dinner and quite honestly Arrondissement 18 is not the place you might find 5 star restaurants. HINT: McDonalds'

However, the hotel did recommend this quaint place nearby. "La Cocotte" (The Casserole?)had great food and the ambiance was nice. The only thing I had to prepare myself for was this great big Boxer dog that sat at the table next to us. I understand the French are real animal lovers so it is permissible to bring dog's in the restaurant. So I eye my steak carefully to ensure that I have not received "Le Kibble N Bits Dans la sauce"

(I can just see my husbands expression as he reads this: Hey Garcon...Oh hell NO! Fifi must go!)

Most of you that know me well, know that I will eat just about anything so I have not had any surprises or challenges with meals so far. Except, I did think I was ordering a fish dish off the menu but it turned out to be steak and potatoes (LOL). Okay it read: "blah, blah, blah fillet." Hmmm okay, the light bulb just went on.

The hostess and waitress were very nice and the owner (as it is custom to do) came out to greet diners.

After dinner we enjoy the walk (where is the scooter rental place?) back to hotel. At that point fatigue is attacking fast and I can't deal with much more than a shower and cool sheets. Alas I am already behind in my blog posting. Well if I never have another adventure in life I will remember this day Thursday, September 6 2007!



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