Faith or Felon-Making A Choice

Just when I think God has forgotten about me and might be punishing me for such little Faith…., he shows up to remind me that all things are possible through him.
It is sad how my faith wavers from moment to moment, but God never wavers on his care for me. I presume it is just part of the human mind that when we can‘t physically see something or someone performing an act for our good, we only naturally assume that something or someone has forgotten or is just too busy to deal with us. With God, it is never that way.
Nevertheless, getting that through my thick head seems to be an ongoing problem.
Rather than have me become a felon for not showing up for Jury Duty, God saw fit to drag my big behind up this morning and send me off to Murrieta to the courthouse. To my amazement, they released me right before lunch. Now the back-story is that I was supposed to show up for JD on April 27. Well, I did wake up to my chronic knee pain (I am saving that story for my “over 52” series.), so it just fitted that I “call in sick.” Well, the kind clerk told me that you actually have a two week grace period to report for duty before they issued that oh so ridiculous bench warrant! Well, this Diva took it to the max and just did not bother to show up the entire week. So bright Monday morning, I intended to go to perform my civic duty. Sadly, once again, my knee pain kicked in.
Last night I decided that time in jail and county-issued jumpsuits would not fit into my life now. Alas, I arose and went to Jury Duty. So ya see Diva, God really does work miracles.



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