Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bonjour. Today was a REAL adventure. After arriving at Charles De Gaulle Airpot I have a greater appreciation for Los Angeles International Airport!

Charles DeGaulle (from my eyes) is this great big, bland gray looking incubator where zillions of people from everywhere cross each others path! So many people, so many nationalities that it is hard to know who comes from where. Everyone is in a hurry, bumping, pushing. Move out of the way if you don't where you are going. The Diva is at a loss for words...Ouch, le pardon deviez-vous vraiment diriger mon pied sur monsieur ?

Note to self: Online translation programs are a beautiful thing!

About that flight! Oh my goodness, Lord Jesus, Hay Dios Mio. American Airline-Coach 10 hours. Note to self for flights over 3 hours: Can you say "FIRST CLASS" No jet lag but a HUGE case of "lost mind." Wow, I can't remember how many times I wanted to grab the folks in the exit row and just drop-kick the door open. Oh I saw how the folks in first class looked exiting the plane. Un-cramped toes, body parts in the same position as when they boarded, hair all neat and for god's sake...not one drop of runny mascara or day old lipstick!

Next we must take the train to the arrondissement (I am told these are equivalents to districts). Well interesting enough we must load all our baggage with us on the train (thank god for luggage with wheels!) and that in itself is a challenge. However the train ride across town was very interesting and enlightening. The Train! Think Blue Line (Southern California) Bart (Northern California) or how about ahh...smelly, crowded, graffiti laden..public transportation. Like most transit systems it has it's good and bad. The stations are old and obviously home to transients at some time or another (hmmm sounds like the US!)

I did enjoy these musicians who were on the train singing and playing their instruments. It did make the trip somewhat more pleasant.


A few more transfers and as we are nearing our station exit some very cleaver pickpockets decided to relive Rene' of his passport and cash (which we had just changed into Euro!) Where was my pepper-spray when I needed it! At home, lying in the nightstand! So we re-group and decide it is best to head to the hotel and relieve ourselves of the luggage, then go to the Police. (George, can you help us?) Somehow I knew I would have a brush with the law one way or another on this trip!

More to follow.


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