Redundant Monday

Oh well, here it is another day and another dollar…oh well, I have not earned that dollar but what the heck. It's Monday and I am doing my usual telephone shuffled phone calls to see if anyone has any consulting jobs that might hold my interest. Not that I am not earnestly looking, it is just that when I read all those stories about how hard it is for the "older" (aka over 50) job seekers to get jobs. I have a feeling this is when somewhere there is a staff meeting going how discussing how they will get some desperate over 50 folks to come and work for 10-15.00 an hour. Not that this is a bad thing, but when you have over 20 years of education and experience, it is sometimes a hard pill to swallow especially since you know that you'll be giving more than you'll be receiving out of the relationship.

I try not to be critical of big business but oftentimes they spend so much energy and time focused on stripping people of their time and talents that it is difficult to create a sense of loyalty to one's company. Unlike our folks who may have loved the company, they worked for and clung to that death until the mortuary limousine drives up to the corporate office to retrieve the remains.

Early on in my career, I promised myself that unlike my love relationship, the job would only get about a good five years out of me and then it was time to move on to a new experience and perhaps a totally new career. Of course, you can imagine all the sermons I have heard from recruiters and HR people….wow, you have so much experience in many areas. You really should stick to one thing. Funny though when they hire you…they manage to find tasks that suck the life out of each area of experience that you brought along!

Well, I suppose that is all the rambling my brain can stand for today. After a little more bible study, I am heading to bed!



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